
This website shows the work of Alejandra Caballero from her beginnings to the present.

On it you will find a lot of information related to her work, exhibitions, articles in which she appears, biography and other interesting data.

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Paintings made slowly and carefully while manteining the freshness of the first impulse.

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Alejandra Caballero has a very considerable artistic career. She was born in Madrid in 1974 and at the age of 18, she travelled to the United States to take art classes at Lawrence Central High School. When he returned to Madrid, he studied Fine Arts with excellent academic results. He has received various scholarships and awards, as well as participating in numerous exhibitions.
Although Alejandra's paintings occasionally show more than one character, she presents them far, immersed in their own contingency, lost in their own thoughts, distant from others as if mutually respecting their individualities even though they share, perhaps by pure coincidence, the scene that presents them together.
If anything characterizes Alejandra Caballero, it is the deep stillness present in her works. Everyday intimate life (similar to that of the Dutch Flemish), accompanied by a diffused brush stroke, results in the impression of languor, as if diluted. The tones, in turn, distill harmony and softness, transmitting peace, a sense of nostalgia, of a deep calm, of serenity.
The scenes that inhabit her canvases are suggestive and close-knit stories. With simple, gentle people. What do they think...? Who is she talking to? What is she reading? This way of introducing ourselves to the characters, immersed in the normal course of their lives, is close to the Dutch interior paintings.

Bachelor of Fine Arts obtained in 1997 the Painting Scholarship of the Rodríguez-Acosta Foundation in Granada, and two years later Manuel López Villaseñor´s of Ciudad Real. She debuted individually in the same year of 1999 and since then has held personal exhibitions in national and international galleries and artfairs.

“A man sets out the task of drawing the world. Throughout the years, fills the space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, stars, horses and people. Shortly before he dies, he discovers that this patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his face.“

Jorge Luis Borges

Buenos Aires – October 31st 1960